I've moved to Dreamhost

After being made aware of the great deal going on over at DreamHost, I couldn’t resist moving my site (from Apollo) to their service. The entire transition took less than 36 hours and now, save a few DNS hiccups in various parts of the world, everything is as it should be. I don’t want to tout DreamHost too much just yet as I’ve only been using them for a few days, but I can say that I have nothing to complain about so far (which is rare). The following are just a few of the options I’m getting for $19.95/month:

  • 2.5GB of space
  • 64GB bandwidth/month
  • Unlimited MySQL databases
  • Access to raw log files
  • 75 sub-domains
  • …plus all the obligatory usuals like SSH, multiple server-side spam-filtering options, mod_rewrite, etc

If you end up getting an account with them, please do mention me, jblanton, as the referrer (their referral policy is great; you hear that Apple?).

I’m pretty sure I’ve covered all the bases, but if you notice that something is broken please let me know.