Didn't want to leave
I’ve never wanted to stay in Lake County, Florida more in my life. I had absolutely no desire to come back to California. I had to because of school, but I’m not sure I want to be here. This break has been the best I’ve ever had. My friends and I had sooooo much fun and did sooooo many great things that it was incredibly hard to leave it all behind and possibly not see them again for a full year. I’m going to miss huge meals prepared by friends’ parents (and grandparents), the really fun stuff I can’t talk about on this webpage, the drunken nights (and days) at Kristie’s place, the New Year’s celebration with old friends, the simple lunches with someone different each day to reminisce and catch-up, the laughter, and the unconditional love. I’m going to miss it all, and now more than ever. I can’t explain the feeling I had when the plane touched down in San Jose — just apathy really. Yay, more school.
Though I was rarely at my house, I did manage to get through the first two seasons of 24 on DVD. That show is absolutely fucking incredible. I’m not sure I’ve ever been so engaged in a TV show in my entire life. I’d watch three or four episodes at a clip, never wanting to stop. It’s really an excellent show and one that you should treat yourself to if you haven’t already.
I’m getting dangerously close to buying the available-only-in-Japan-at-the-moment Sony DSC-T1 digital camera. Ugh.
While I’m on a roll of talking about completely unrelated things, this promotion looks way too good to be true. If anyone has any info on this outfit, or better yet, has signed up for this promo or used them in the past, please let me know, as it looks, umm, free!