Computer nerdery
Just a collection of some of the more technical posts I've written over the years.
- How to reset OmniFocus WebDAV logins
- Display notifications when Jekyll-based operations complete
- How to generate a blog-wide word count in Jekyll
- How to merge two sitemap.xml files
- Using Keyboard Maestro to create new Jekyll posts
- Up and running with Jekyll
- Use TextExpander to sanitize formatted text
- Multiple Octopress blogs, one Amazon S3 bucket
- My unencrypted sync hell … and my salvation
- Use Drafts to maintain SMS/iMessage unread status
- Readable bookmarklet, customized to look like iA Writer
- Readability bookmarklet, modified to close the current tab
- Selectively enable Flash in Chrome without an extension
- Use AppleScript to determine which media app is currently playing something (or was last paused), and have your PowerMate act accordingly
- Control Spotify with a Griffin PowerMate
- How to make any app look like iA’s Writer
- How to do a 30-second skip in iTunes
- How to tweet via LaunchBar
- “Bookmark” tweets from within Twitter’s iOS apps
- How to set custom field values with WordPress’ iOS apps
- How to set post slugs with WordPress’ iOS apps
- Create a personal link-shortening service with Droplr
- Use FlexTime, LaunchBar, Spaces and AppleScript to get things done
- An RSS feed for the latest Chrome extensions (using Yahoo! Pipes)
- Restart Flash without quitting Safari or Chrome (using AppleScript and LaunchBar)
- Blogging with TextMate and Chromium/Chrome
- Write with whatever you want, sync with Notational Velocity
- Sleep well or don’t wake at all
- Fix broken scrolling in mid-2010 MacBook Pros
- Create a simple timer using LaunchBar and AppleScript
- Blogging with TextMate, and using AppleScript and JavaScript to ease the pain
- Remove Spotlight’s menubar icon in Snow Leopard
- Use LaunchBar to execute, in the “background,” commands via a shell
- Instapaper bookmarklet, updated to close the tab every time
- Instapaper bookmarklet, modified to close the current tab
- Select certain tabs in Safari (or WebKit) using keyboard shortcuts
- Use Yahoo! Pipes to get your Twitter feed in shape
- Easiest way to give your Griffin Powermate system-wide control of iTunes
- Use Dropbox to sync MarsEdit across multiple machines
- Twitter Tools, modified to ignore @tweets
- Twitbin + NoScript
- Fixing Safari + Saft on Leopard
- Footnotes, Textpander, and shell scripts
- Remove those trailing slashes from your URIs
- Some simple changes I’ve made to Pixelpost
- Peppering Mint and filtering referrers
- Teaching Image Magick who’s boss
- Prettify your shell prompt
- Per-user CGI through Apache on Mac OS X
- Mac OS X, Windows Mobile, Bluetooth modem
- Shortening individual archive URIs
- Use CSS to place Firefox tabs where you want them
- Disabling auto-paragraphs in WordPress
- From iPhoto to iView MediaPro
- Archives without using WordPress’ Pages
- Footnotes and Textpander
- Related Entries apostrophe error
- Syncing the K750i with Mac OS X Tiger
- Tiger PowerBook overheating
- WordPress find and replace
- Help a brother out
- Use Gmail as a spam filter (three ways)
- Nice[r] titles
- Limit number of posts with WordPress
- Maintaining URIs between Movable Type and WordPress
- Movable Type total word count
- Instrasite searching with Google
- Integrating with your weblog
- “Outsourcing” this website
- Google Hacks
- Browser session restoration on Mac OS X
- Nested archives with Movable Type
- and broken spam filters
- iPhoto and image resizing
- and very large mailboxes
- Getting more out of Gmail
- How to create a linkblog in Movable Type
- Quicksilver
- Managing mobile phone purchases
- Using Westlaw with OmniWeb 5
- Required OS X programs
- iPhoto metadata
- Years of e-mail
- Future-proof your URIs
- Clear: both
- OS X Tip: verbose boot
- Relative dates in Movable Type
- Google Hacks (3rd edition): technical editor
- Hacking Gmail: technical editor; contributor
- Google Hacks (2nd edition): technical editor; contributor
Old code
- Smart Archives for WordPress — A better way to present your WordPress weblog archives
- CF Setter for WordPress — Allows you to define a custom field value from within the body of a post
- Slugger+ for WordPress and MarsEdit — Allows you to specify a post slug from within MarsEdit
- Relative Dates for WordPress — Displays the date of your WordPress posts relative to the current date and time
- Amazon Associates Bookmarklet — A bookmarklet to convert any Amazon product page into a page ‘tagged’ with your Amazon Associates ID
- Prolific for WordPress — Calculates the weblog-wide word count and writes it to a file each time you publish a new post
- Post Count minus Category for WordPress —Displays the total number of WordPress posts not belonging to a specified category
- Slideshow — A very simple photo viewer written in PHP