Links for 2020-10-26
- We finally know what a dinosaur’s butthole looks like [Slate]
- Introducing Halide Mark II. Pretty pumped for this. Halide has long been my go-to when shooting on the iPhone. (Instagram plug.) [Halide]
- Babies’ random choices become their preferences. “People assume they choose things that they like, but the new research suggests that’s sometimes backward: We like things because we choose them, and we dislike things that we don’t choose.” [Johns Hopkins University]
- Dopamine does double duty in motivating cognitive effort [Cell]
- Daisugi, the 600-year-old japanese technique of growing trees out of other trees, creating perfectly straight lumber [Open Culture]
- Devastating data-viz animation showing COVID-19 taking over “red” states between Spring and Summer/Fall [Dan Goodspeed]
- David Fincher confirms Mindhunter is probably done. Well, FUCK. [Vanity Fair]