Quick Links for Wednesday, April 5
I just finished John Hands’ “Cosmosapiens: Human Evolution from the Origin of the Universe.” (✭✭✭✭✫)
↪ We're starting to get into uncanny valley territory with this shit—it's incredibly exciting, but also creepy as hell. I love it.
↪ I suspect many of you will enjoy this. 🥹
Mitochondria double as tiny lenses in the eye [quantamagazine.com]
Is information the fifth state of matter? [IFLScience.com]
↪ Dr. Vopson has proposed that information is a physical entity, and should be considered the fifth state of matter. He plans to test this by erasing a particle from existence via a matter-antimatter annihilation reaction, which would release two low-energy infrared photons. If these photons can be detected, he says it will confirm that information is physical. 🤨